SKU: siemens el34
RFT Siemens EL34
National Siemens EL34

Labeled and boxed as National


East German EL34s (manufactured by RFT) with great tone. Last of the reasonably priced NOS EL34s.  Not recommended in amps with plate voltage over 450 volts though many cases of success at up to 500 volts have been reported. Bottle has dimple in the glass on top. 4 staples in the plates.

Mike: These sound great in my 65 amps Producer. had a pair of Svetlanta winged =C= in there, and they were really good, but the Siemens have less sag in the lower register, more headroom, less upper mid spike, and more transparent and balanced frequency response in general. The distortion is super creamy and articulate.

Thanks, Steve Kirk

"Mike: These are SO much better sounding than the JJ E34Ls in my JCM800, I can't believe the difference. I'd like 2 more pairs to match the first pair. Thanks. Lee Bridenstine"

Mike: Thanks much for the quad of Siemens EL34 tubes. Very surprised how they sound (Rivera Chubster 45 watt amp). Like them very much. Very balanced with excellent creamy distorton when driven, excellent bass, treble, & midrange tone. Roger Fisher
I really like these Siemens EL34s in my Germino Lead 55 compared to the Russian 'Mullards' that it came with. I'll probably have to stock up on some down the line when I get caught up. Brian
Mike: These tubes sound absolutely fabulous! Really brought my amp (Dr Z 6545) to life.  I will definately be doing business with you again when I need more tubes. Brian Neal.
I just want to thank you for taking the time to answers my questions to make sure I achieved the tone I was looking for. I installed the Siemens EL34s I purchased from you and I biased them at about 33-34 ma (445V plate). They are within 1 ma of each other as your said they would be. I just can't believe the difference in tone. I tried all types of new production EL34s, but I was never really satisfied with the tone. They all seem so brittle on the high end. The Siemens are warm and creamy just as you said they would be. Vinny

Hi Mike, I received the rft Siemens el34 quad a few days ago and I tried them out over the past few days. The sound is superior to any other tone I have come across. The clarity and reaction time to the tubes from the strings is great. Very articulate. In end, they rock. Thanks Sandip

Price: $120.00
Select Matched Pair for amps that use 2 of these tubes and Matched Quartet for amps that use 4